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Featured Articles

Let’s ban flavoured tobacco and “The Lord of the Rings”!

Let’s ban flavoured tobacco and “The Lord of the Rings”!

Slovak media only very briefly caught a report about prepared tobacco directive in Brussels, which should bring a number of new regulations into the sector, such as banning flavoured tobacco or uniform dimensions and plain packaging of cigarettes....


The Most Powerful Economic Area in the World

The Most Powerful Economic Area in the World

The European Union – United States Free Trade Agreement would slow down the global advance of Asia and protect liberal values The European Union (EU) and the Unites States (US) are two of the most important global markets. Almost half of all...


The Rise of Germany and the Uncontested Queen of Economic Europe

The Rise of Germany and the Uncontested Queen of Economic Europe

A few days ago “Le Monde” leaked an official document of the French Socialist Party blaming European center-right governments of “cynicism and blind austerity”. The primary focus of the document was Chancellor Angel Merkel, whom the...


The Return of the Phillips Curve and Other Failed Sequels

The Return of the Phillips Curve and Other Failed Sequels

This week, the venerable Financial Times website juxtaposed three pieces of seemingly unrelated economic news all within a few hours of each other.  Taken individually, these three stories tell the tale of a complex economy, driven by forces...


Should we pay politicians more?

Should we pay politicians more?

Since March this year Czech politicians (among other legislators) are exempt from paying social and health insurance on some compensation and thus their salaries are de facto increased (iDNES.cz 2013). Unsurprisingly, such change was met with...


The reverse side of the Iron Lady

The reverse side of the Iron Lady

A great reformer, a friend of Poland and freedom, the symbol of female emancipation – the truth about Margaret Thatcher’s governance is much more complicated than these simple and overused clichés.   This is a file from the Wikimedia...


Price which should not be regulated

Price which should not be regulated

In 1974, a renowned economist and Nobel Prize winner Friedrich A. von Hayek in his speech “The Pretense of Knowledge” criticized the economic policy of that time: “We [economists] have indeed at the moment little cause for pride: as a...


Margaret Thatcher – serious politics

Margaret Thatcher – serious politics

The characteristic features of Margaret Thatcher as a human and things that are the fundament of Thatcherism are: seriousness, persistence and fight. In the world in which a word does not mean anything and can be freely interpreted, she seemed...


Fully-funded pillar in the EU new member states

Fully-funded pillar in the EU new member states

Reacting to significant decreases in GNP, countries of the region temporarily suspended or reduced the pension contributions to the fully-funded pillar of their pension systems, at the same time verifying the eventual level of the contributions....


Human dignity vs. freedom of expression

Human dignity vs. freedom of expression

Human dignity vs. freedom of expression: the choice nobody wants to make Historically, Jewish affairs are particularly sensitive subjects in Eastern Europe. Unfortunately – but for obvious reasons – in the last few decades, prejudice,...


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