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Featured Articles

EU budget ‘should be cut by half’

EU budget ‘should be cut by half’

The budget of the European Union could function at half of the proposed cost to EU taxpayers while boosting economic growth, according to a new report, 50:50 for 2020, published in Brussels today. As European leaders gather in Brussels for the...


Lower social contributions for lower unemployment

Lower social contributions for lower unemployment

One of the major barriers which prevent the labour market from demanding more workforce (thus lowering the unemployment) is the high level of compulsory social contributions. This is the case especially in Slovakia where both the employer and...


Structural funds: time to cure the cancer

Structural funds: time to cure the cancer

Within 4 months after the beginning of the next EU’s financial framework, the eight member states from Central and Eastern Europe will celebrate their 10th anniversary in the Union. With three of them – Slovenia, Slovakia and Estonia –...


The EU enlargement: towards more free market or more restrictions?

The EU enlargement: towards more free market or more restrictions?

Abstract The core stones of the EU have always been 4 freedoms which made the Union desirable and promising. However, the EU enlargement is not only physical – with new members joining, – but it is also increasing in powers and regulatory...


The Republicans on the edge

The Republicans on the edge

Since the American Civil War there have been two parties in American politics which have changed their faces many times. If we take a look at their history, we cannot notice any logically structured continuity but we can observe the processes...


America’s missed opportunity

America’s missed opportunity

American economy is commonly known to be in a bad condition. Most Americans are convinced that 4 years of the President Obama’s administration government have not managed to deal with the crisis. To my mind, Americans electing for the...


US election and Hungary – Does it Matter?

US election and Hungary – Does it Matter?

US election and Europe The presidential election of the United States is one of the most important political events in the world – almost all nations follow it despite the fact that in most cases the outcome affects them only in an indirect...


Another lean four years

Another lean four years

Instead of a real change, Americans chose solutions for the next four years, whose effectiveness is questionable. What does this mean for Europe? From the point of view of European liberals, there was no perfect candidate in this year’s...


Report: Liberal Social Policy Conference.

Report: Liberal Social Policy Conference.

On October 30th, 2012 Industrial Foundation (publisher of Liberté) in cooperation with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom and 4liberty.eu network organized the Liberal Social Policy Conference. The event took place in Warsaw, in Sobieski...


The 1st Global Flat Tax Forum

The 1st Global Flat Tax Forum

October 5, 2012 The 1st Global Flat Tax Forum October 4-5, 2012 Bratislava, Slovakia   Summary of Conclusions On October 4-5, 2012 The 1st Global Flat Tax Forum was organised in Bratislava by The F. A. Hayek Foundation and The Slovak Taxpayers...


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