editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Two think-tanks, The Centre for Economic and Market Analyses (CZ) and F. A. Hayek Foundation (SK) joined to write a study about chosen EU regulations and their impact on economies of the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The text was presented to journalists, politicians and other experts on Thursday, 6th of March, 2014, in Prague (CZ), and on the day in Bratislava (SK). Both events were organized with international participation from authors’ collective.

The analysis deals with various regulatory problems from five main areas – banking, interchange fees, energy, personal data protection and common agricultural policy. In every area, goals of newly implemented regulation or oncoming regulation are discussed, together with economic arguments explaining basic economic principles from the area, as well as the Peltzman effect of regulation, i.e. unintended, negative impact of legislation, laws and directives on economies of the Czech Republic, Slovakia or other members states used as case-studies.

The study is written in the Czech and Slovak languages, both versions available with Executive Summary in English (Executive Summary – EN 4LIB).

For further information, please contact ales.rod (at) eceta.cz.