editorial partner: Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Ales Rod

ABOUT Ales Rod
Ales Rod works as an analyst at Liberalni Institut, Czech Republic. He teaches at University of Economics, Prague, where he also studies Ph.D. programme (major: Economic theories).
Further Regulation of Roaming Fees Bound to Increase Prices
Further Regulation of Roaming Fees Bound to Increase Prices
No-fee regulation will have its limits (they should prevent abusing of the cheap prices of cross-border calls), first proposals are very restrictive – the maximum 40 minutes of calls and 100 text messages per year from abroad. However, it is definitely one of the biggest intervention to the entrepreneurial freedom the European Union has seen.
Five Recommendations How to Regulate Gambling in the Czech Republic
Five Recommendations How to Regulate Gambling in the Czech Republic
The Centre for Economic and Market Analyses (CETA) found out the calculation of the social cost of gambling in the Czech Republic and the actual regulatory impact assessment (RIA) suffer from obvious shortcomings. Therefore, we decided to prepare five basic recommendations for the effective regulation of gambling in our country.
Czech Economy Thrives
Czech Economy Thrives
In 2014, the Czech economy did well. All reports have forecasted the same for 2015. The publication of the Czech Statistical Office dealing with the development of the Czech economy in the first quarter of 2015 confirms it. So how well did we do after all?
Welcome to Liberland!
Welcome to Liberland!
On Monday, April 13, 2015, Vit Jedlička, a Czech politician and a liberal economist, put up the flag and established a new sovereign state called Liberland on the territory of former Yugoslavia. On the 7 square kilometers of Terra Nullius claimed by none of its neighbouring countries (Serbia, Croatia) the liberal values shall take reign.
Czech Production Volumes Finally Overcame the Pre-Crisis Levels
Czech Production Volumes Finally Overcame the Pre-Crisis Levels
The look back at 2014 will include mainly good news. While comparing to traditional benchmark – the average performance of the European Union – the Czech GDP growth rate was significantly higher than the growth rate of the EU. The Czech economy has had a faster growth than the EU in five quarters in a row.