editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Krzysztof Iszkowski

ABOUT Krzysztof Iszkowski
Economist, Sociologist. Member of Liberté!’s editorial team. Director of Plan of Changes Palikot’s Movement advisory organization. Vice-president of Europa Plus. He is teaching in University of Social Science and Humanities.
Efficiency Instead of a Symbol
Efficiency Instead of a Symbol
Despite an ongoing crisis in the past few years, the governments of the 28 member states of the European Union agreed to spend 180m Euro per year and emit additional 19.000 tons of carbon dioxide into atmosphere simply to enable the meetings of the European Parliament to be held in two locations: Brussels and Strasbourg?
Liberalism at the Crossroads
Some of its activists and supporters will go over to the conservative camp and the rest will split between The Greens and Alternative für Deutschland, which holds a free-market credo of right-wing liberalism to a logical end.