editorial partner: Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Liberalni Institute

ABOUT Liberalni Institute
The Liberální Institut is a non-governmental, non-partisan, non-profit think tank for the development, dissemination and application of classical liberal ideas and programs based on the principles of classical liberalism
An Open Letter on TTIP (In Czech)
TTIP Open Letter
An Open Letter on TTIP (In Czech)
My, 14 signatářských think tanků a organizací ze 8 členských států EU sdružených v síti 4liberty.eu, apelujeme na Evropskou komisi, Evropský parlament a národní parlamenty, aby se rozhodovaly na základě závěrů poctivého ekonomického výzkumu a aby přijaly TTIP a jeho součásti, včetně ISDS.
Why Has CEOs’ Pay Increased So Much?
Why Has CEOs’ Pay Increased So Much?
The figures that chief executive officers (CEOs) read at their payrolls are medially very attractive information. Why? They are huge! People process the information in many ways – someone is rude, someone envies, someone is emulated… Anyway, the same question occurs: Why has CEOS’ pay increased so much?
Mont Pelerin Society 2012 Prague Conference
Think Tank News
Mont Pelerin Society 2012 Prague Conference
Welcome address by Jiri Schwarz, Chairman of the MPS 2012 Organizing Committee  Dear friends of liberty and individual responsibility, It will be immense pleasure to welcome you at the greatest festival of classical liberal thinking under the auspices of the Mont Pelerin Society. This distinguished society for the defense and cultivation of principles of individual liberty […]