editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Monika Budzak

ABOUT Monika Budzak
Director of the Economic Olympiad, INESS
Economics Olympiad in Slovakia: Winners of the 6th National Finals
Think Tank News
Economics Olympiad in Slovakia: Winners of the 6th National Finals
This year, the Economics Olympiad attracted once again the interest of more than 10,000 young Slovaks and helped them to gain appreciation and recognition for their knowledge and skills in the fields of economics and finance. The sixth year of the Economics Olympiad for high-school students was concluded with the finals, which took place on Thursday, 4th May 2023 at the Hotel Devín in Bratislava.
Protectionism as New Pandemic
Protectionism as New Pandemic
Of course, everyone would be delighted if the supermarkets were full of quality Slovak fruit, vegetables, meat, and other products. However, this ideal cannot be achieved by a policy of self-sufficiency, but by a policy of cooperation.
REVIEW #15: Don’t Worry, Be Open! [AFTERWORD]
Review #15
REVIEW #15: Don’t Worry, Be Open! [AFTERWORD]
Protectionism is a frequently used political tool. Sometimes, it is hidden in complicated laws, other times it is presented quite openly. As society is witnessing a wave of populist and nationalist ideas in Europe, especially in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), protectionist ideas are still widely accepted.