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Think Tank News

Conference Invitation on Behalf of F.A. Hayek Foundation

Conference Invitation on Behalf of F.A. Hayek Foundation

Conference: Future of Money 3.0

Date: November 26th 2015, Bratislava, Hotel Devín

Goals: A) To open discussion about the future of monetary policies within the Eurozone, B) To open discussion about problems of Euro and US dollar as main global currencies, C) To respond to the development of new technologies (online payments, cryptocurrencies) and present monetary trends.

Description: Monetary policy is one of the most important issues of our future in the EU. The event “Future of Money 3.0” will join unique personalities from the practical field of investing world and theoretical scholars and visionaries in the field of monetary policy at the same time.

Number of expected participants: 110


14:30 – 15:00 Arrival and Registration of Participants

15:00 Welcoming remarks


  • Borek Severa, Director, Friedrich Naumann Stiftung Für die Freiheit

  • Matúš Pošvanc, Director, F.A. Hayek Foundation

15:15 Panel #1

Future of Money – What should be the role of central banks in the modern financial system?


  • Ján Oravec, President, Slovak Entrepreneurs Association

Keynote speaker:

  • Prof. Václav Klaus, President and former Prime Minister of Czech Republic

Topic: „Could we still consider present monetary policies of central banks as monetary policies? “

16:30 – 17:15 Coffee Break

17:15 Panel #2

Future of Money – do we need cash and what kind of new technologies to anticipate?


  • Matúš Pošvanc, Director, F.A. Hayek Foundation

Keynote speaker:

  • Ján Tóth, Vice-governor, National Bank of Slovakia


  • Mirek Lukeš, CEO for Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and Austria, MasterCard Worldwide

  • Jakub Jedlinský, Lecturer and consultant in cryptocurrencies, VŠE Praha

18:45 – Closing remarks

  • Matúš Pošvanc, director, F.A. Hayek Foundation

Continuity: The conference is based on the success of similar conferences F.A. Hayek Foundation has organized in 2011 and 2013. We hosted prominent speakers and personalities as chief strategist Steen Jacobsen of SAXO Bank, well known commentator and author of the book Currency Wars Jim Rickards, or monetary theorist Philip Bagus in 2013 (more than 100 participants). The first conference, held in 2011 was interesting as well, we had hosted such prominent speakers as James Turk, GoldMoney Foundation, Detlev Schlichter, The Cobden Centre, Detmar Doering, Director of Liberales Institut or Mojmír Hampl, Vice-governor of Czech National Bank (more than 150 participants).

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