editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Information System for Human Resources

Brief description of the solved problem: Information system for Human Resources (type of solution – decrease the administrative barrier)

Country of origin: Canada

Type of self-government: City

Name of self-government: Hamilton, province of Ontario, Canada

Date of realization: Since 2005

Detailed description of the solved problem

The City of Hamiltom employs approximately 9,000 public employers. The hiring system of the city wasn’t effective and the city wasn’t able to attract the most demanded, talented and experienced candidates. The system of application forms’ processing and preparing answers was slow, required huge amounts of labour, and was difficult from the administrative perspective.

Detailed description of the solution strategy

The City of Hamilton decided to solve this problem by application of a software system which should remove the shortcomings of the original system, decrease the total demand of labour of the Human Resources department, which can solve more important tasks, or carry out current tasks with smaller number of employees.

Description of results of the solution

The City of Hamilton in cooperation with Deloitte&Touch Canada has developed an integrated software system for Human Resources department. The system allows to search jobs on-line, file applications, up-date the status of application and confirm employees’ references. Employees of HR department can quickly create queries that automatically identify the best applicants. The system also guarantees more transparent procedure of applicant selection. The system also contains information about current employees of the city and enables employees to check their personal files and execute the changes in their personal data (for example on-line check of outstanding holiday, or provide on-line attention to the employer about a change in registered address). Self–service employee systems haven’t been used in Canada before, but the most staff of the city are satisfied with this system.


