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Hungarian party positions on Ukraine

Hungarian party positions on Ukraine

From among the EU member-states, the Hungarian government used the most lenient approach to the Russian operations in Ukraine. The opposition parties’ immediate reactions to these events made the government party express its opinion too. We...


Appeasement means the end of European integration

Appeasement means the end of European integration

We need to exert pressure on the West to take firmer action towards Russia. Not only for the sake of principles, but also common sense and our security. There is more and more evidence that Russia is carrying out a plan devised meticulously...


For Successful Privatisation, Learn from Privatisation Failure

For Successful Privatisation, Learn from Privatisation Failure

Privatisation is a popular treatment for a range of economic diseases – inefficiencies, market distortions, graft, and corruption. To use a different metaphor, privatisation exorcises the spectre of political meddling from the economy. It...


Gun debate: key arguments and issues at stake

Gun debate: key arguments and issues at stake

Gun crisis: a time to act… starting by looking into the valid data “Another mass shooting occurred in the United States, this time in…” This line unfortunately recurred in the media 16 times altogether in 2012, leaving 88 victims...


The Banking Union: Towards or away from the market?

The Banking Union: Towards or away from the market?

In December 2013 EU finance ministers reached agreement on the guidelines of a Single Resolution Mechanism for the banking union. The Single Resolution Mechanism is to accompany the Single Supervisory Mechanism. The Single Resolution Mechanism...


Have no fear, my conservative brothers and sisters!

Have no fear, my conservative brothers and sisters!

At the turn of 2013 and 2014, the world community is facing numerous problems. That’s indisputable. For nearly two years, the people of the country that used to be the most stable part of the Middle East have suffered from the bloody and...


Global Trade Liberalization Again on Track

Global Trade Liberalization Again on Track

Free trade is an important component of economic freedom. As such, trade liberalization does not only enrich choices in our supermarkets and lower prices of the products we find there, but also leads to more jobs, higher living standards, economic...