editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

energy crisis

Energy Crisis: How to Turn Off Heating for Bureaucracy?
Energy Crisis: How to Turn Off Heating for Bureaucracy?
Some time ago, the Lithuanian Ministry of Energy issued recommendations for the public sector, households, and businesses on how to save energy. The recommendation was to disconnect hot water in administrative premises and reduce heating to 19 degrees and cooling to 27 degrees. They also advised public officials to work from home.
Butter on Head of Madeta’s Boss
Butter on Head of Madeta’s Boss
In an interview with Seznam Zprávy, the head of Madeta (a Czech dairy company) Milan Teplý stated several facts that contradict basic financial knowledge. He began the interview by saying that Madeta will be profitable this year. However, he immediately added: \"It\'s a sin to be in profit, we won\'t get subsidies.\" We do not understand this. Why should a company that is making profit seek subsidies and ask the state for support?