editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

public spending

Bill from The State for 2022
Bill from The State for 2022
In 2022, public expenditure per capita amounted to almost 36,000 PLN, and per one working person - 79,381 PLN. All public spending is financed either by taxes we pay or by government-issued debt (which means higher taxes in the future). Many people, demanding the implementation of further social programs by the state, do not realize that it is associated with higher taxation of the people (now or in the future).
The 2014 Universe of Public Expenditures
Think Tank News
The 2014 Universe of Public Expenditures
INESS released an English version of The 2014 Universe of Public Expenditures, a poster with a graphical representation of all public expenditures financed by taxes and contributions. It enables one to understand the relationships among the individual items of public administration.