editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

tobacco tax

Poor Smoker: Tobacco Taxation in Slovakia
Poor Smoker: Tobacco Taxation in Slovakia
The need to consolidate public budgets is perhaps already evident, even to those political parties that have long perceived resources as limitless and freely available. Investors worldwide eagerly await opportunities to lend to debt-ridden Slovakia. Consolidation plans are beginning to emerge, the Financial Policy Institute at the Ministry of Finance has published the impact of austerity and tax measures on GDP.
Tobacco Tax: Taxes at Any Price
Tobacco Tax: Taxes at Any Price
People will stick with cigarettes, which, although more harmful than the alternative, will bring more taxes into the state coffers. After three years, tobacco tax increases are back on the table. In English, it is known as the \"sin tax\". Similar to the tax on alcohol or beer. The public perceives these taxes as a way for consumers of addictive substances to \'pay\' for their sins. The truth is that smokers pay a lot.