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The 2nd School of Liberal Social Policy, July 2-3, 2012, Liberte!

The 2nd School of Liberal Social Policy, July 2-3, 2012, Liberte!


invites to

the 2nd School of Liberal Social Policy


July 2-3, 2012


Jachranka next to Warsaw




You deal with social policy in academic or professional sense?

You think it is crucial issue, which still doesn’t work well in Poland?

You see that public resources are wasted on sham actions, instead of efficiently helping those really in need?

You want to meet young people from all over Poland and together come up with recommendations for those in power?

If yes, then we invite you to take part in recruitment for the 2nd School of Liberal Social Policy.

The 2nd School of Liberal Social Policy is two days of trainings and workshops for 30 young experts in social policy – PhD students, PhDs, professionals, journalists, consultants. The main aim of the project is to exchange experience between participants, widen knowledge through confronting opinions with the authorities and to enlarge the team dealing with social policy within “Liberte!”.

This School is an element of two-year project realized by Liberte! with support of online casino the Batory Foundation within the Programme Democracy in Action. The project aims at creating liberal vision of policy for equal chances in Poland, namely providing possibility of development regardless of factors such as origins, parents’ income, place of birth, race, gender etc. Social policy should aim at real change of individual’s situation, not keeping one dependent on state handout, therefore it has to be correctly shaped and use limited resources in the most efficient way possible. It has to be efficient, economically rational and it has to eliminate sham actions. We also want to work on change of language in which social policy is often described in Poland, where harmful solutions are called socially useful, which puts a halt to introducing necessary changes.

Within Liberte! we are building a team of experts and journalists, who started process of formulating assumptions of liberal social policy in Poland and then promoting and publicizing it. We are using potential of Liberte! as medium to present opinions and expertise of the group. Issue of social policy described and formulated from the liberal point of view – associated only with narrowly understood economic issue, is today de facto absent from the public debate. Our project changes it.

The 2nd School of Liberal Social Policy is one of the crucial elements of the project. It will be an occasion to meet and work together for members of our team and specialists chosen in open recruitment process, who during workshops will be working out solutions and presenting conclusions, which will be included in the final version of recommendations from the project. We will present them in the second half of year in a special issue of a magazine Liberte!