editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

4liberty.eu N E W S L E T T E R [DECEMBER 2020]

4liberty.eu N E W S L E T T E R [DECEMBER 2020]

The December issue of the 4liberty.eu Newsletter provides an overview of the articles published on the 4liberty.eu website, serving as a starting point for further exploration.

Mate Hajba (Free Market Foundation):
Hungary had a scandal-ridden month in the EU. As the new EU budget is connected to rule of law, Hungary fought it tooth and nail, claiming it’s not about corruption but Soros and immigrants. In the end the budget and relief package has been passed, and despite of the rule of law conditions that are now in place with little change from the original plan, Hungary claims victory.

Adrian Nikolov (IME):
Bulgaria’ s Autumn of Discontent: In Expectation of 2021 General Election

Bulgaria had its autumn of discontent. The mass protests proclaimed as a crusade against corruption and state capture have failed, while the prospects for reform of the oligarchic model from within are bleak at best. Hence, Bulgarians are looking at a winter of stagnation and political blockage before going to the polls in the spring for parliamentary elections.
Prior to the crisis triggered by the COVID-19 outbreak, the Lithuanian economy had been enjoying a rapid growth. Yet, while the number of available jobs had been increasing, the number of unemployed had remained steadily high.
Civil Development Forum (FOR) presents the third report on the crisis of the rule of law in Poland. This part deals with the rule of law and the functioning of the legal system during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Anja Fabiani:
In the article, we will try to show some positive possibilities – and not only disadvantages – which are occurring in the more and more dangerous world, Europe included. The end of history is long behind us, what we are facing now are new and unprecedented global challenges.

Risto Kaljurand (Academy of Liberalism):
Estonian Halthcare System Benefits from Digitization

The northernmost Baltic state is in the overall comparison quite successful in fighting the COVID-19-pandemics. To this success contributed among other things the central electronic health system.
Magdalena M. Baran (Liberte!) for Liberal Voices Syndicated:
Poland decided in favor of the veto partially in light of the EU’s activation of Article 7 on December 20, 2017. The Polish government is attempting to justify the veto by stating that it is defending itself and thereby affirming its power.
In this short guide, the authors Adriana Černá, David Djambazov, and Marek Hlavica will show you how to use audio-visual storytelling and audience targeting to get your message across and will provide you with practical takeaways for managing social media and media relations.