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4liberty.eu N E W S L E T T E R [MARCH 2021]

4liberty.eu N E W S L E T T E R [MARCH 2021]

The March issue of the 4liberty.eu Newsletter provides an overview of the articles published on the 4liberty.eu website, serving as a starting point for further exploration.

Magdolna Molnar (Republikon Institute):
Women in European Politics

Although there is some evidence of a gradual improvement in the participation of women in decision-making positions, women are still vastly underrepresented in policy-making and in other executive roles all over the world. Currently only 10 countries have a female Head of State, and 13 countries have a female Head of Government. 119 countries have never had a female leader.

Amedeo Gasparini (FNF):
Threats and Undermining of Press: Media Freedom in Hungary, Poland, Slovenia

The state of media freedom in Hungary, Poland, and Slovenia is increasingly getting worse. Independent news outlets are rarer and limited, and the governments directly threaten journalists. Media freedom is suffering.
Justus Lenz (Liberales Institut):
In recent months, many countries have introduced enormous stimulus packages to help their economies overcome the devastation caused by the COVID-19 crisis. In Germany, the government made available emergency funds, created sector-specific relief programmes, and implemented demand stimulus measures such as a temporary reduction in the sales tax rate.
Adam Kefer (republikon Institute):
2020 was a special year because of the coronavirus pandemic. It was not only unique for healthcare, but also it really changed many areas of human life. The introduction of the restrictive measures had a negative effect on both human rights and the economy – which is true for both Hungary and the Netherlands.
Maria Slominska-Fabis (Projekt: Polska):
Since coming into power by an overall majority in 2015, the right-wing Christian-nationalist PiS party has engaged in a systematic effort to weaken and destabilize independent media critical of the government, creating a severe concern for political and cultural media diversity in Poland.

Eliza Rutynowska (FOR):
Polish Ombudsman: Watchdog, Not Lapdog

The battle for the new, non-partisan Ombudsman has been ongoing in Poland for a few months now. The governing coalition for a long time did not acknowledge the need to propose their own candidate, and naturally refused to back the candidate of the opposition.
Mate Hajba (Free Market Foundation):
Fake news, disinformation, conspiracy theories, antisemitism. Today, when reaching a large audience, easier than ever free access to information comes with a price. Political extremities, populists, fanatics, and malicious actors can polarize people to their own gains using the above mentioned methods. We must fight these.