editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


ABOUT Liberte
Liberte! is a magazine created by young people in Łódź in 2008. Its mission is to promote an open society, liberal economic ideas and liberal culture and to organize a social movement around these ideas.
Liberte! cooperates with well-known institutions such as Batory Foundations, Naumann Foundation, Polish Confederation of Private Employers Lewiatan as well as Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Up to now 10 issues of the magazine were printed, the on-line version is available both in Polish and in English.
Liberte! is not only a magazine, it is also an institution which organizes numerous events such as conferences (for example the conference ‘What capitalism after the crisis?’ in cooperation with Lewiatan) or debates. It provides patronage over many important events, such as the 20th Economic Forum in Krynica.
Open Letter from Hong Kong Protesters
Open Letter from Hong Kong Protesters
Hong Kong is much more than meets the eye. Beyond the soaring skyscrapers and glimmering shopping malls, it is the only place on Chinese soil where citizens dare stand up to those in power and, once in a while, manage to force concessions out of them.
How Do Democracies Win?
How Do Democracies Win?
“How Do Democracies Win?” was the main theme of this year\'s edition of Freedom Games, an annual prestigious forum of ideas organized in Lodz, Poland. Needless to say, the title of the forum is a question uneasy to answer. I would also not dare to provide a straight-forward answer to it.
Freedom Games in Poland Are Coming!
Think Tank News
Freedom Games in Poland Are Coming!
Two weeks from now, the next edition of Freedom Games, a leading intellectual event combining political, social, economic, and cultural themesorganized by Fundacja Liberte!, begins. Let us find out what is in store for the attendees this year!
Future of Liberalism in Poland
Future of Liberalism in Poland
Both liberals and the left-wingers have a wide range of options for cooperation in Poland. This space encompasses not only typical overlapping areas in terms of their views as regards minority rights, civil rights or cultural changes within the society, but also defending the political system.