editorial partner: Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Martin Vlachynsky

ABOUT Martin Vlachynsky
Since 2012, a member of INESS. He graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Administration at Masaryk University in Brno (the Czech Republic), and earned master degree on the University of Aberdeen (UK). He used to work several years as a web marketing and social networks specialist. His field of interest envelopes economic policies, regulation, and health care
Who Will Drive Slovak Drug Ferrari?
Who Will Drive Slovak Drug Ferrari?
Slovak public has recently experienced number of front-page stories about patients, who were refused payment for innovative highly expensive drugs by health insurance companies. Stories, which attracted a lot of emotions and stirred the public and which are vanguard of much bigger future troubles in public healthcare.
Retailer Tax in Slovakia Abolished
Retailer Tax in Slovakia Abolished
Several East European countries have been flirting with various forms of a “retailer tax”. A tax similar (but not equal) to VAT, or the sales tax. Its proclaimed aim is typically to “punish” international retail chains, which have been repeatedly blamed for problems of local farmers and local food and beverages industry.
Automakers Good, Merchants Bad
Automakers Good, Merchants Bad
Mankind has made unbelievable progress in the last one hundred years. From horse carriages to moon landings, from typhus epidemics to molecular genetics, from conservative patriarchate to gay marriages. One thing does not change though – the suspicion, or even hate towards merchants.