editorial partner: Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Piotr Beniuszys

ABOUT Piotr Beniuszys
Piotr Beniuszys holds Master’s degree in sociology and political science; his views are to the right in economic issues, to the left in ethical and moral issues – i.e. liberal in both cases; the final chairman of Unia Wolności in Gdańsk, a former member of Democratic Party – demokraci.pl. He is a journalist of Liberte!
Is Battle of Ideas Over?
Is Battle of Ideas Over?
The outcome of the U.S. presidential election should not be too surprising. Not only did a careful analysis of the polls predict Donald Trump’s victory in all seven swing states, but the trend over the past four weeks was also clear. State polling averages increasingly favored the Republican, while individual polls showing Kamala Harris in the lead became fewer and less convincing.
End of the Conscience Clause: Call for Change
End of the Conscience Clause: Call for Change
A survey published on July 5 by OKO.Press revealed a stark perspective: 65% of respondents firmly advocate for the abolition of the conscience clause in public health care facilities, while a mere 25% support its continuation. The implications of this data point to a significant transformation in recent months and years. This shift can be attributed firstly to the contentious \"verdict\" of the self-proclaimed Tribunal of Julia Przyłębska.
Whom Will Represent Next Polish Ombudsman?
Whom Will Represent Next Polish Ombudsman?
Legally, the performance of Adam Bodnar\'s duties after the end of his term of office remains constitutional, while in the legal fiction of the Law and Justice (PiS) party, it will probably be enforced to deprive him of the tools to perform them. Polish women and Poles will be left without an ombudsman.
<i>Adieu, Pologne</i>? Poland’s Position in the EU
Adieu, Pologne? Poland’s Position in the EU
With electing the PiS government for the second time in a row, the hope for ending the crisis in the country ended. Any further delay of the ongoing processes from their further development in a hope that Poland shall return to the center of the political debate on the future of Europe seems futile.
World Without Liberal Democracy
World Without Liberal Democracy
This article shall serve as a cautionary tale about the fact that if liberal democracy collapses, even liberally-minded people may dismiss democracy and promote liberty-oriented meritocracy, which would cut off numerous citizens from politics – sometimes, for their own good.
Strange Death of the Catholic Church in Poland
Strange Death of the Catholic Church in Poland
In Poland, it is not usually those who stop going to church that loose their true faith in God, the Gospel, and the fundamental principles of a righteous Christian life. In Poland, the faith loose those who still go to church and even start clearly dominating in their Christian communities. These are the ones who […]