editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Robert Chovanculiak

ABOUT Robert Chovanculiak
An INESS analyst. He holds the Ph.D. degree from the Matej Bel University, Slovakia, where he did his research at the Department of Public Economics and Regional Development at the Faculty of Economics. He worked for Slovak Business Agency prior to joining INESS. Robert’s field of professional interest is public finance, economic policy, regulation, and education.
Opportunity Cost of Learning: Is There Optimal Age to Graduate?
Opportunity Cost of Learning: Is There Optimal Age to Graduate?
The wonderful thing about economics is that it recognizes truths about the world that laypeople cannot intuitively grasp, based on simple statements about human action. Consider two concepts: opportunity costs and marginal decision-making based on marginal benefits and costs. If you really understand these two concepts, then it must seem normal to you that there is such a thing as optimal environmental pollution.
Every STEM Should Have Woman Lining
Every STEM Should Have Woman Lining
The EU recently adopted a directive to tackle the gender pay gap by introducing new bureaucratic obligations for employers. Similarly, the EU is pushing on other issues in the fight for gender equality, for example in the area of the low proportion of women in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subjects, which reaches 33%. Consequently, women make up the same proportion (33%) of employees in technical sectors.
Four-Day Working Week Is Already in Use for Some Slovaks
Four-Day Working Week Is Already in Use for Some Slovaks
We all want higher wages for less work. This explains why the four-day working week is such a popular topic in the media. But it is even less of a justification for the emotions that run high when the subject is discussed. These, in turn, prevent rational argumentation and consideration of all the problems with this popular proposal.
Gender Pay Gap: Let’s Not Shoot Messengers
Gender Pay Gap: Let’s Not Shoot Messengers
A new regulatory avalanche is rolling in on entrepreneurs. The Ministry of Labour is about to implement the EU Gender Pay Directive. This introduces new bureaucratic obligations for entrepreneurs. They will have to inform about the criteria they apply when setting wages in the company and define the pay procedure so that the employee knows what he or she has to do to get higher pay.
Degrowth: Wrong Answer to an Important Question
Degrowth: Wrong Answer to an Important Question
A new movement called degrowth is being mentioned more and more often in the media around the world. The aim of this movement is to address current environmental challenges by abandoning the \'economic growth paradigm.\' However, life and humanity as we know it today exist only because of economic growth. We would not be dealing with the environment today without years, decades, and centuries of economic growth.