editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Report: Liberty Seminars Slovenia 2015
Think Tank News
Report: Liberty Seminars Slovenia 2015
The 8th annual Liberty Seminars Slovenia were held between September 23-28, 2015 at Lake Bohinj, Slovenia, and brought together a widely diverse group of attendees and lecturers from all over the world, seeking an opportunity to debate current economic and political topics, human rights, and legal systems through the comparative lens.
Why Kurdish Independence Should Be Supported
Why Kurdish Independence Should Be Supported
The ongoing civil war in Syria and the war of the West with ISIS that invovles Iraq, Syria and several other countries in the region, is the fourth time during the last fifty years that the West has used the Kurds for its security policy interests. Estonian MP, former adviser to the Iraqi government and Middle East expert, Eerik-Niiles Kross says that the US and the West need to support Kurdish independence.
Distorted World of Cheap Money
Distorted World of Cheap Money
A few weeks ago, the Fed expressed no intention to increase interest rates, but the will to maintain the current ones of 0 to 0.25%. The problem is that cheap money does not only indicate the prevailing economic problems, but imply long-term negative impact on both savers and economy.
What Can Estonians Learn from the Digital?
What Can Estonians Learn from the Digital?
Estonia has set itself the goal of making better use of digital opportunities in teaching and developing students’ digital competence - the ability to use digital technology in order to better cope with studying and working, communicating within communities and simply as citizens in a rapidly changing information society.
Greek Snap Elections – Stability Instead of Progress
Greek Snap Elections – Stability Instead of Progress
The Greeks have voted and widely approved the course of Alexis Tsipras and his SYRIZA-party (35,5%, -0,8). It is noteworthy that the decision for the left-wing alliance reveals that the Greek voters predominantly want to stick to traditional values and their societal structures, rather than giving a chance to reform-orientated powers.
‘Immigration’ Challenge
‘Immigration’ Challenge
The information biases lead to creating a picture of Muslim migrants as homogeneous crowd of Islamists. Even if experts recognize that not all migrants are extremists, it is often emphasised that terrorists fighting in favour of the Islamic State might be among them.