editorial partner: Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Politics, Society
Does Politics Lack Young People?
What is inspiring about Margaret Thatcher´s story is the gradual growth of her political career. She started in her 20´s but was not elected Minister of Education until the age of 45. At the age of 53 she was already ruling Britain as Prime Minister
Muslims in Europe: Our Fears vs. Facts
As human relationships develop mostly on a local level, it might be good to try and answer one particular question: are Muslims, Christians, and representatives of other cultures able to peacefully coexist in a multiethnic environment?
Economy, Politics
More Centralization
It is interesting as, on the one hand, there is France calling for more centralization and more common policies on the EU level, and on the other hand, President Francois Hollande is able to say: \"The European Commission cannot dictate us what we have to do.\"
Who Owns Broccoli?
Despite their differences, the authors agree in the necessity to reappraise patent and copyright law from a liberal point of view. The current state of law doesn’t adequately meet the requirements of a manageable and incentive-compatible intellectual property rights regime.
In Two Years, from Brussels
The Greek nationalist party Golden Dawn became a subject of another scandal when one of its members shouted Heil Hitler! in Greek Parliament. Nevertheless, its popularity is growing and the last poll showed 11,5% support. Kind of difficult to understand it since the Greek nation suffered from one of the hardest Nazi occupations in non-Soviet Europe; but democracy brings also surprises like this.
We Need Reforms
UK´s Foreign Secretary William Hague, for example, called for cooperation between Britain and Germany to carry out reforms within the European Union.