editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

European Elections: Positive Results for the Estonian Reform Party

European Elections: Positive Results for the Estonian Reform Party

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

The results for the Estonian Reform Party were very positive as we won the elections in Estonia with 2 seats in the European Parliament (out of a total of 6 seats). Overall, ALDE got 3 seats in Estonia. This is a very good starting point for us 10 months before the national parliamentary elections (1st of March 2015).

Official results are:
Estonian Reform Party 24,3% – 2 seats (ALDE)
Centre Party 22,4% – 1 seat (ALDE)
Pro Patria 13,9% – 1 seat (EPP)
Social Democrats 13,6% – 1 seat (S&D)
independent candidate Indrek Tarand – 13,2% (greens)

Overall voting activity was 36,52% which was quite a disappointment, it was – 7,38% lower than last time. 103 151 people voted electronically, which was 44 482 people more than in 2009 – this is again a good example and proves Estonians trust towards our e-voting system.
We believe that satisfaction with the new government (lead by Reform Party, Prime Minister Taavi Rõivas), appointed in March this year, is reflected in our triumph in these elections.

The main topic of the campaigns in Estonia was national security witch is obviously the result of the Ukrainian crisis. The results show that this topic is important for the people as the winning party main message was about safe and strong pro-European politics with the best candidates.

Our lead-candidate as well as the most popular candidate in Estonia Mr. Andrus Ansip does not need introducing among European high-level decision-makers. He served 9 years as Prime Minister of Estonia, leading Estonia successfully through the economic crisis and joining Estonia with the euro-zone.

Our second most popular candidate, Chairman of the Estonian Parliament Economic Committee, Ms. Kaja Kallas is the daughter of Mr. Siim Kallas, vice-president of the European Commission.

Kaja Kallas also appears in this video clip that we used to get people to vote
http://youtu.be/_A_MxUS3uFw (with English translation)