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"Free Market Road Show 2012" Conference, April 27, INESS, Bratislava

"Free Market Road Show 2012" Conference, April 27, INESS, Bratislava

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together with

Conservative Institute of M.R. Stefanik, European Coalition for Economic Growth Austrian Economics Center, Friedrich August von Hayek Institut

in cooperation with Entrepreneurs association of Slovakia, TRIM BROKER, Food Chamber of Slovakia, SPIN Foundation, CEBSI, F. A. Hayek Foundation

invite to a conference

Free Market Road Show- Europe on the way to slavery?



April 27, from 8 a.m. to 2.30 p.m



in hotel Crowne Plaza (sála LONDON)

Hodžovo nám. 2, Bratislava


LANGUAGES: Slovak and English (simultanous translation provided)

Registration form is available here.


Conference programme:

08:00 – 08:30 | Registration


08:30 – 08:45 | Welcome and Through this, machines can send photo recovery software across the network. opening remarks

Barbara Kolm, Austrian Economics Center, Vienna

Peter Gonda, Conservative Institute of M.R. Stefanik, Bratislava


08:45 – 10:20 | Panel 1: Free market vs colectivism: How big government can we afford?


Main Speaker:

Klaus Emmerich, Vienna


Mario Fantini, Hayek Institut, Vienna

Ronald Ižip, TRIM BROKER, Bratislava

Juraj Kotian, Erste Bank, Vienna

Radovan Ďurana, INESS, Bratislava

Frederik Cyrus Roeder, casino online European Students For Liberty, Bayreuth


Ondrej Sočuvka, CEBSI, Bratislava


10:20 – 10:40 | Coffee break


10:40 – 12:15 | Panel 2: Harmonization vs competition: How to return on the growth track?

Main Speaker:

Daniel Mitchell, CATO Institute, Washington


Ján Oravec, Entrepreneurs association of Slovakia and F. A. Hayek Foundation, Bratislava

Zdeněk Vilímek, Coca-Cola Česká republika a Slovensko, Prague

Martin Oravec, TREND Analyses, Bratislava


Richard Ďurana, INESS, Bratislava

12:15 – 12:45 | Lunch break


12:45 – 14:20 | Panel 3: Euro vs. sound money: Does ESM represent the end of financial sovereignty?

Main Speaker:

Barbara Kolm, Austrian Economics Center, Vienna


Richard Otto Zundritsch, Added Value, Vienna

Peter Gonda, Conservative Institute of M.R. Stefanik, Bratislava

Juraj Karpiš, INESS, Bratislava


Ján Oravec, Entrepreneurs association of Slovakia and F. A. Hayek Foundation, Bratislava


14:20 – 14:30 | Closing remarks

Barbara Kolm, Austrian Economics Center, Vienna

Peter Gonda, Konzervatívny inštitút M. R. Štefánika, Bratislava