editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Hungarian MEPs Down the Drain

Hungarian MEPs Down the Drain

Hungary had a scandal-ridden month in the EU. As the new EU budget is connected to rule of law, Hungary fought it tooth and nail, claiming it’s not about corruption but Soros and immigrants. In the end the budget and relief package has been passed, and despite of the rule of law conditions that are now in place with little change from the original plan, Hungary claims victory.

Seeing all that happened recently however, Hungary’s performance in the EU has been far from glorious. News shook up the country that one of its MEPs and prominent Fidesz member, József Szájer stepped down. It later transpired that he stepped down indeed.

It turned out that the married politician, who is responsible for contributing to the stauncly anti-LGBT constitution, has participated at a gay party in Brussels, that was more to the point illigal, due to the lock down.

Upon the police bursting in on the orgy, he tried to climb down the drainpipe but having failed that he was apprehended by the police, who found illegal drugs in the bag of the conservative politician of Hungary, where no drugs are allowed.

The scandal broke amidst a new constitutional amendment in Hungary which further erodes LGBT rights, makes corruption easier by redefining public money, and hidenders the chances of a united opposition by rewriting the election law again.

Yet it wasn’t to only the fiasco involving a Hungarian MEP recently. Another senior Hungarian Fidesz politician, Tamás Deutsch, compared Manfer Weber’s defence of the rule of law condition to the methods of the Gestapo and the Hungafrian comminist secret services. Fidesz belongs to EPP, which is lead by Mr. Weber.

There is an ongoing debate whether Fidesz should be kicked out of the conservative party family, which preceded the recent scandals, but the conduct of the Hungarian MEPs certainly didn’t help. The EPP has already withdrawn Mr. Deutsch’s rights as an EPP member.

The governing party is suspected to cozy up to more extreme right wing groups should it be kicked out of EPP. That however will bring no change in Hungary, where corruption, and rule of law violations are already running at an extreme level.

It is up to the Hungarian opposition, and ultimately the voters to put an end to this, which due to the ever chaining biased legal system is not an easy task. The opposition declared that they are uniting in a historic move, but let’s hope the old faces that were generally hated for their awful policies won’t return.

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