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State bank

State bank

Election campaigns are like New Year’s resolutions – many things are promised, a fraction of them are implemented. One is almost shocked when some evidently populist program points are still discussed, or even about to be implemented after...


Ukraine: will dictatorship defeat democracy?

Ukraine: will dictatorship defeat democracy?

When one follows the struggles of European leaders with Putin in the dispute about Ukraine, it begs the question whether cynical dictators will always beat democratic leaders? Putin needs Ukraine in the Eurasian Economic Community created in...


How The Hungarian Disease Is Spreading Across Central Europe

How The Hungarian Disease Is Spreading Across Central Europe

In September of this year, Polish prime minister Donald Tusk announced his intention to undo pension system reforms and seize parts of the mandatory private pension funds. If implemented, this plan will lead to a pension fund nationalization...


Implicit government liabilities displayed on public debt clock in Warsaw

Implicit government liabilities displayed on public debt clock in Warsaw

In 2013, Civil Development Forum added estimates of implicit public debt to the Public Debt Clock, which was launched three years ago. Our decision to display the value of implicit public debt was induced by the introduction of the European...


Unions’ protests? Well, they’re not so bad!

Unions’ protests? Well, they’re not so bad!

This year, in September, Warsaw witnessed perhaps the biggest trade unions’ protest for a very long time. Three largest of the national trade unions occupied the streets for nearly three days. This group of over one hundred thousand people...


Hate speech is not free speech?

Hate speech is not free speech?

The way we fight against anti-Semitism cannot be granted as a merit or the humanitarian gesture. It’s neither only about the struggle for the dignity of the Jews, but in the same way it’s our struggle for our own dignity. It’s about every...


Liberal idea for Europe

Liberal idea for Europe

Krzysztof Iszkowski’s interview Where does the main division of the European politics lie? On the one hand, there are Eurosceptics, who appeal to the nationalist rhetoric and use a populist move, saying that the crisis is a sign that the...


A soap opera starring Edward Snowden?

A soap opera starring Edward Snowden?

A storm of protest and commentaries has been unleashed after, at the beginning of June 2013, American traitor/ whistle-blower Edward Snowden released via English-language mass media (initially it was The Guardian and The Washington Post) the...


Correct premises, wrong conclusions

Correct premises, wrong conclusions

The Economic Council to the Prime Minister of Poland has published its comments about the changes in the Open Pension Fund (OFE). Because the professors have subscribed to them, we cannot say that they are another act of audacity, but quite...


Germany’s energy policy: Hurrying ahead in the wrong direction

Germany’s energy policy: Hurrying ahead in the wrong direction

Germany wants to make it big. By the year 2050, German government aims to have achieved an 80 percent target for electricity supply from renewable energy sources. As stated by German Government, the resulting new energy system also has to be...


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