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Featured Articles

On the motorway to Euro

On the motorway to Euro

We can’t deny that Polish accession to the Eurozone must involve some costs. Moderate adverse effects, however, are likely to be felt only in preparation for the introduction of the euro and at the very exchange of the Polish currency. Meanwhile,...


INESS suggests a way to increase both salaries and employment

INESS suggests a way to increase both salaries and employment

Proposal INESS proposes to lower the minimum wage to € 1 or to a level which would minimise its influence on the labour market, and to introduce a social contributions deduction which would increase the net salaries of low-income employees,...


190 million Europeans without liberal representatives

190 million Europeans without liberal representatives

2013 is the European Year of citizens. The purpose of this initiative is to highlight the concept of EU citizenship and to promote the knowledge about the rights of our fellow citizens. It would even be fair to rename the year European Year...


Measuring politicians’ performance

Measuring politicians’ performance

Measuring the performance of politicians is no easy task. Given the general belief that politicians should be selfless individuals in service of the public, some might argue that such a pursuit is unnecessary. However, even if we embraced this...


The quotas of women in power

The quotas of women in power

The mechanism connected with quotas is as follows: women come to men and ask “give us some of your power”. Exactly: we ask. Instead of creating the reality and showing the real women’s strength and potential we once again come to men and...


The Political Predicaments of Bulgaria: There and Back Again

The Political Predicaments of Bulgaria: There and Back Again

As of July 25 it has been 42 days of protests in Bulgaria and it seems like not a step of progress has been made on the quest for political integrity. Just a few weeks after the new Oresharski government took office and less than four months...


You don’t agree with me? You must be evil.

You don’t agree with me? You must be evil.

Talking about politics with my friends never ceases to amaze me. Not necessarily because of the process of sharing different views, even though exchanging passionate arguments with people I disagree with has always been, shall we say, stimulating...


Where does the National Movement start?

Where does the National Movement start?

1,000 people from the National Movement ready for active participation gathered in Warsaw. The leaders of the movement did not say anything we would not have expected; their comments were also conventional – starting with the sacred indignation...


We (do not) need the Euro

We (do not) need the Euro

The first of January in 2014 is the official euro introduction date in Latvia. The government is in a rush to introduce euro currency in Lithuania, too. Having in mind that Lithuania is holding the Presidency of the Council of the European Union...


CAP – The Effects of the Implementation of Direct Payments per Acre in Bulgaria

CAP – The Effects of the Implementation of Direct Payments per Acre in Bulgaria

In the long term (after 2020), the removal of direct payments should be a priority both for Bulgaria and for the EU as a whole, as only this way would the proper market-oriented development of the sector and the free competition between farmers...


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