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Featured Articles

Pension warning…

Pension warning…

It is not going to be another column on the Open Pension Fund, but on the signs of upcoming (and already existing) pension problems in the western world; as well as on the issue related to pension problems, namely, whether trade unions should...


Giving Out

Giving Out

Some earn, some lose. Irish numbers are bad, but Cypriot ones are even worse. Catalonian secession. E-cigarettes. They do not smell, they do not create any mess, like ashes and butts; in comparison with normal cigarettes, they have a minimal...


Sordid isolation

Sordid isolation

Lord Palmerston once famously stated: “England has no eternal friends, England has no perpetual enemies, England has only eternal and perpetual interests”. Recently, the first part of this sentence is closer to the truth than ever. British...


A liberal view on populism

A liberal view on populism

To make a liberal dissert of populism, first it should be cleaned of non-liberal and populist additives. What makes me cautious about the concept of this publication, and not only this one, is that populism is presented as a pair to nationalism....


Vatican geopolitical role

Vatican geopolitical role

In 1991 a French political scientist and Islam specialist, Gilles Kepel, wrote La revanche de Dieu. Chrétiens, juifs et musulmans à la reconquête du monde (The Revenge of God: the Resurgence of Islam, Christianity and Judaism in the Modern...


Another Sort of Occupy Movement: Bulgaria

Another Sort of Occupy Movement: Bulgaria

On October 25, law and history students occupied the main building of the Sofia University, one of the city’s landmarks.  The reason: their professor, country’s Constitutional Court chairman, did not show up for a lecture after...


Are We Witnessing the Declining Marginal Utility of Freedom?

Are We Witnessing the Declining Marginal Utility of Freedom?

A story that is riveting Europe, if not necessarily much of the world, continues to play out on the streets of Ukraine’s capital Kyiv. President Viktor Yanukovych stunned the European Union a week away from its Summit in Vilnius at the end...


Nuclear Threat

Nuclear Threat

Slovak government’s excessive entrepreneurial confidence and considered state guarantees to nuclear power plant may be costly to the Slovak consumer. On 2nd December 2013, INESS released a new study in reaction to the government plans to offer...


A referendum against Lithuanians and their property

A referendum against Lithuanians and their property

This year a group of Lithuanians has initiated a referendum on banning land sale to foreigners. For such a referendum to be held, the group needed to collect at least 300,000 signatures of Lithuanian citizens in three months. In December the...


Czech Republic – voters have weakened the power of leftist parties

Czech Republic – voters have weakened the power of leftist parties

At the last weekend of October, Parliament elections were held in the Czech Republic. Before the elections, my colleague Ales Rod explained in this article the background leading to these early elections and commented on the then not very optimistic...


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