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Archive for: featured

What History Education Should Be About…

What History Education Should Be About…

Photo: Wikimedia Commons We may observe a trend of re-defining the purposes of history education in many European countries (i.e. UK, Poland, Sweden). After the Second World War the reports of UNESCO and Europe Council emphasized the need of...


New Party of Miro Cerar Wins Slovenian Snap Parliamentary Elections

New Party of Miro Cerar Wins Slovenian Snap Parliamentary Elections

The renowned constitutional scholar Miro Cerar and his party (Stranka Mira Cerarja – SMC) founded only at the beginning of June won the snap parliamentary elections in Slovenia on Sunday, July 13, 2014. The green-liberal SMC came immediately...


MonkeyParking and Tragedy of Commons

MonkeyParking and Tragedy of Commons

Photo: Wikimedia Commons I hadn’t known about Parking Monkey app until I heard about it on another excellent Russ Roberts’ Econtalk episode with Mike Munger (seriously, listen to it, it will make you laugh and be more optimistic about the...


Roma and Social Benefits: Do Roma Citizens Represent a Problem for Slovak Public Finance?

Roma and Social Benefits: Do Roma Citizens Represent a Problem for Slovak Public Finance?

Several parts of Slovakia experience problematic coexistence of Roma people and majority population, without any successful solutions in sight1. As a result, there is growing dissatisfaction of majority living in the areas with Roma minorities,...


Flat Tax: What Is Important And What Is Not

Flat Tax: What Is Important And What Is Not

The “Flat Tax Era” in Slovakia came to a definite end on 1st January 2013. Corporate tax rate of 23% (highest in the whole Central and East European Countries region by the way) became valid instead of the 19% rate. This was considered...


Reputation Matters: A Not-So-Typical June 2014 Bank Run in Bulgaria (A Public Choice Perspective)

Reputation Matters: A Not-So-Typical June 2014 Bank Run in Bulgaria (A Public Choice Perspective)

“Our clients are dear to us.” An ad by Corporate Commercial Bank (CCB) on Bulgarian National Radio (BNR), July 7, 2014 “While credit growth remains low, the system is stable and liquid, with banks’ non-performing loans buffered...


Led by Italians

Led by Italians

Since July, Italy is holding a half a year presidency of the Council of the European Union. The agenda is clear. J.C. Juncker has secured a major victory when he was nominated as a new President of the European Commission by 26 of 28 MS. The...


Growth, Redistribution, and the Popperian Pressure of Prehistory

Growth, Redistribution, and the Popperian Pressure of Prehistory

Here we go again, straight into the old debate as to from what the poor benefit more: growth or redistribution. It has been rekindled by the near simultaneous appearance of two books written by Indian economists. I think I am justified in calling...


A Liberal View of Europe and Bulgaria’s Place in It

A Liberal View of Europe and Bulgaria’s Place in It

Photo: Wikimedia Commons. The article is based on a discussions held in Sofia on 22 April, 2014 and organized by the Institute for Market Economics and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation, in cooperation with the Libertarian club at the Sofia University....


Ukraine’s Potemkin Institutions: Neglected Foundations, Collapsed Buildings

Ukraine’s Potemkin Institutions: Neglected Foundations, Collapsed Buildings

Photo: Wikimedia Commons. Douglass North has famously defined institutions as “the rules of the game,” but in reality, they are much more than that, especially in a transition context. Institutions are the semi-permanent manifestations of...


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