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Archive for: liberal values

Saving entrepreneurial future of Europe

Saving entrepreneurial future of Europe

Understanding and freedom are essential Over the past three years the share of European Union (EU) citizens who want to be self-employed has fallen from 45% to 37%, reports European Commission (EC). This year EC highlighted the need for more...


Price which should not be regulated

Price which should not be regulated

In 1974, a renowned economist and Nobel Prize winner Friedrich A. von Hayek in his speech “The Pretense of Knowledge” criticized the economic policy of that time: “We [economists] have indeed at the moment little cause for pride: as a...


More private sector in health systems

More private sector in health systems

Written statement for the WHO European Region’s high-level technical meeting on health systems in times of economic crisis, to be held on 17–18 April in Oslo, concerning the follow up the high-level ministerial meeting on this theme, held...


Human dignity vs. freedom of expression

Human dignity vs. freedom of expression

Human dignity vs. freedom of expression: the choice nobody wants to make Historically, Jewish affairs are particularly sensitive subjects in Eastern Europe. Unfortunately – but for obvious reasons – in the last few decades, prejudice,...


The Compass is Broken

The Compass is Broken

The world has been slipping further into economic illiteracy over the past five years, with seemingly no country immune. From the United States, ostensibly, still a bastion of classical liberal orthodoxy, we have seen laws enacted (and upheld...


Trade unions as anti-development power

Trade unions as anti-development power

In his article “The Reasons Why I Like Trade Unions (Potentially)” Krzysztof Iszkowski responds positively to these Polish institutions’ demands. I must admit that my editorial friend’s article surprised me very much. Trade unions are...


The reasons why I like trade unions (potentially)

The reasons why I like trade unions (potentially)

Last week brought three interesting comments on trade unions. On Thursday, a sociology professor Wiesława Kozek, who as a guest took part in the meeting of parliamentary panel “Fair Community,” indicated that the lack of mutual trust is...


Liberals about Roma integration

Liberals about Roma integration

You cannot walk straight when the road is bent. This traditional Roma saying exemplifies the challenge Europe faces when it comes to Roma integration. The authors of recently published paper Integration of the Roma in Central and Southeast...


Rent-seeking society

Rent-seeking society

Rent-seeking occurs inevitably in every society, however, some societies suffer from it more and some others less. In this article, I would like to discuss the reasons why rent-seeking may happen in the first place. Secondly, how people should...


The judicial system and administration in Hungary in terms of efficiency

The judicial system and administration in Hungary in terms of efficiency

The index measuring trust in the judicial system has significantly decreased in Hungary since the change of regime in 1989-90: people complain not only about the length and the quality of legal cases but also about high administrative costs...


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