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Archive for: Liberte!

Margaret Thatcher – serious politics

Margaret Thatcher – serious politics

The characteristic features of Margaret Thatcher as a human and things that are the fundament of Thatcherism are: seriousness, persistence and fight. In the world in which a word does not mean anything and can be freely interpreted, she seemed...


Photo gallery: Euroskepticism – the comparison of Hungarian and Polish cases.

Photo gallery: Euroskepticism – the comparison of Hungarian and Polish cases.

<img class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-2982" adult school have their structured driving lessons. title=”100_3109″ src=”http://4liberty.eu/newtheme/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/100_3109-400×300.jpg”...


Trade unions as anti-development power

Trade unions as anti-development power

In his article “The Reasons Why I Like Trade Unions (Potentially)” Krzysztof Iszkowski responds positively to these Polish institutions’ demands. I must admit that my editorial friend’s article surprised me very much. Trade unions are...


The reasons why I like trade unions (potentially)

The reasons why I like trade unions (potentially)

Last week brought three interesting comments on trade unions. On Thursday, a sociology professor Wiesława Kozek, who as a guest took part in the meeting of parliamentary panel “Fair Community,” indicated that the lack of mutual trust is...


Conference: Euroskepticism – the comparison of Hungarian and Polish cases.

Conference: Euroskepticism – the comparison of Hungarian and Polish cases.

Republikon Institute and Fundacja Industrial publisher of Liberte! invites You to the conference: Euroskepticism – the comparison of Hungarian and Polish cases. We plan to study the relationship between the economical and political crisis...


The turning point of the crisis

The turning point of the crisis

Europe has just reached the turning point of the crisis. Now it can be better or worse – it all depends on what will happen in Cyprus. At first glance, the conditions which IMF and the European Union offered the government of Cyprus in return...


Yes to civil partnership bill, no to discrimination – Liberte! Magazine Action

Yes to civil partnership bill, no to discrimination – Liberte! Magazine Action

Over 600 000 letters of protest from the webpage http://liberte.pl/zwiazki-tak were sent to The Prime Minister Donald Tusk and 46 Civic Platform members of parliament whom during Friday’s voting have rejected all three drafts laws of the...


He reminded us of what is wrong

He reminded us of what is wrong

The truth can hurt. It hurt brave knights of the 4th Republic of Poland when a judge (who was not known some days ago) expressed his opinion on the methods of investigations, which were led by the state authorities in the times when the Law...


The idea of liberal social policy

The idea of liberal social policy

When in 2010 we started our project on the reconsideration of welfare state in Poland and called it “liberal social policy” many people were totally surprised. Why should liberals get engaged in such issues? We were accused of coining a...


Structural funds: time to cure the cancer

Structural funds: time to cure the cancer

Within 4 months after the beginning of the next EU’s financial framework, the eight member states from Central and Eastern Europe will celebrate their 10th anniversary in the Union. With three of them – Slovenia, Slovakia and Estonia –...


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