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Slovakia Archives - Page 3 of 4 - 4Liberty.eu | 4Liberty.eu

Archive for: Slovakia

Poor philanthropists – Fiat Euro! 30/2012

Poor philanthropists  – Fiat Euro! 30/2012

When is going to happen the next Slovak cabinet billion-worth meeting? Is Draghi tough because Angela is on hliday? Will be two Greek bankrupts within six months a new European or Olympic record? What a week! When it come to euro crisis, there...


Consolidation measures in Slovakia

Consolidation measures in Slovakia

In June of 2012 the newly elected Slovak government finally unveiled first official blueprint of highly rummored consolidating measures. The main objective is continuation of cutting the fiscal deficit below 3% of GDP until 2013. Although we...


Slovakia — the Lord helps those who help themselves

Slovakia — the Lord helps those who help themselves

The current soap opera is far from being wrapped up by the bailout for Spain. We’re only at the 44th episode, and the main character of the whole series – Italy – has so far only been flitting furtively through the background. If you...


Don’t bite the hand that feeds you! – Fiat Euro! 25/2012

Don’t bite the hand that feeds you! – Fiat Euro! 25/2012

We’ve been walled up. Greece has government but money is still missing. Which German team will win the European Championship? FED playing games, another package is postponed. How many Olympic medals will the EU-funded United Nations of Europe...


Modern system of paper currency is like a cheap hot dog – Fiat Euro! 24/2012

Modern system of paper currency is like a cheap hot dog – Fiat Euro! 24/2012

Golden goal in Spanish net. Spain (unfortunately) is not Uganda! What level of interest rate Italian debt has to reach so Europe would decide to help them? Penalties and expropriations for layoffs –labour market reform done in a French way....


Euro Bill Updated

Euro Bill Updated

The Euro Bill is project run by Slovak think tank INESS, which tracks all guarantees and expenses related to euro zone rescue efforts. The May update includes several changes, related mainly to the spring default of Greece. Paradoxically, the...


Slovak Euro Bill Updated

Slovak Euro Bill Updated

The INESS Institute, independent Slovak think tank, runs a regularly updated the Euro Bill on its specialized website eurokriza.sk. The Bill contains structured records of all Slovak guarantees, borrowings, and share of bond purchases related...


Seminar on Austrian Economics, April 19-22, INESS, Slovakia

Seminar on Austrian Economics, April 19-22, INESS, Slovakia

INESS invites to Seminar on Austrian Economics WHEN 19-22 April 2012 WHERE Hotel Odevák Odborárska 15, Piešťany Slovakia 4-day long intensive event for Slovak elite university students where renowned international and domestic lecturers...


New Slovak government almost completed

New Slovak government almost completed

As The Slovak Spectator writes on March 19 Robert Fico confirmed next nominations for the ministers in his government – Martin Glváč will become defence minister and Peter Žiga will serve as environment minister. The new government...


Jana Dubovcová appointed new Slovak ombudswoman

Jana Dubovcová appointed new Slovak ombudswoman

As The Slovak Spectator writes Jana Dubovcová (former judge and SDKU MP) was appointed a new Slovak ombudswoman on March 28, 2012. She replaced Pavol Kandráč who was in the office of ombudsman for last two five-year terms. At the same time...


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