editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Smer after the Election

Smer after the Election

After the Slovak election, there will be a continuation of the economic policy without any changes. Only insignificant modifications of the actual economic policy will be made. After the election there will come a radical reversal in economic policy. One of these three post-election development scenarios will be certainly fulfilled. Which will eventually come true is a decision of the politicians with the greatest confidence of voters.

Based on the development of preferences, the most possible seems the second one, retaining present course represented by Smer, more or less with cosmetic adjustments that its coalition partner brings, whoever it is going to be. Less possible is the first scenario, which is the continuation of the current economic policy that would be repeatedly allowed by the governing of a one party. Unfortunately, the least possible is the third scenario, radical reversal that is needed the most.

We would need this scenario because Slovak politicians create rules for entrepreneurship as if for people living on a different planet – and that is the way it has been for many years already. It is the politics of excessive interference in economics, which inherently and often unnecessarily limits enterprise freedoms. Why is this scenario less possible?

Economics without ungrounded government interference, a legally consistent state with simple legislation will only hardly become a priority of a party that for years have been adopting rather a flip-flop approach. What about the other parties? Experience with their governing is a proof that a good will is not enough to make the country better because simplifying entrepreneurship environment is in reality a very complex matter.