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Split Views from V4 [WEBINAR]

Split Views from V4 [WEBINAR]

Despite the efforts of various political parties in the European Parliament, the elections to the EP are first and foremost national elections, and as Enrico Letta remarked, they will be “a sum of national, domestic debates in a frame named European elections.”

As such the EU member states also differ in the campaigns and the narratives mostly used before the June votes.

A consortium of four Visegrad 4 institutions, joined in the RevivEU project, has been looking into various topics that influence the public debate the most for the past 17 months. Just days before the elections begin, we will offer our views into what were the main driving forces in each of the four countries, how they differ from the European campaign, if there is such a thing, and also offer our predictions for the partial, national results.


  • Filip Bajtoš, Bratislava Policy Institute
  • Milosz Hodun, Projekt Polska
  • Daniel Rona, 21 Research Center
  • Klára Votavová, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy

Moderated by: Kristína Chlebáková, EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy

To join the webinar, please register here: https://forms.gle/277L1bmhBPR3MLLXA – you will receive a link to join upon your registration.

For more information, visit here: https://www.facebook.com/share/ZjQDGTF2ChhNCF8R/

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