editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


2017 in the EU: The Force Awakens
2017 in the EU: The Force Awakens
The EU closes the year 2017 with several strong accents. Among them, the launch of PESCO and triggering Article 7 (TEU) against Poland. This, paired with thevisions for the future of the EU presented by Jean-Claude Juncker and Emmanuel Macron may be a proof that the EU regains its strength.
AfD: A Warning from Germany
AfD: A Warning from Germany
Angela Merkel\'s party, CDU, came in first in the German national election. However, this is not a great victory because what\'s important here is that for the first time in post-World War 2 history, an extreme right-wing party, the Alternative for Germany (AfD), came in third in the national election, getting around 13% of the votes.