editorial partner: Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

corporate tax

Taxes, Losses, Pandemic in Lithuania
Taxes, Losses, Pandemic in Lithuania
The COVID-19 pandemic has not only limited our liberties, but also liberated creativity. Vilnius mayor and LFMI’s ex-president has allowed turning the whole city into a giant outdoor café and let businesses to exploit parks and squares for this purpose.
The Effect of Harmonization of Corporate Tax Base in the EU
The Effect of Harmonization of Corporate Tax Base in the EU
The European Commission has re-launched the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB) initiative. The renewed proposal for a CCCTB introduces a two-step approach: efforts will first concentrate on agreeing the rules for a Common Corporate Tax Base (CCTB), and consolidation will be left to be adopted at a later stage (CCCTB).
Bulgarian Tax Freedom Day 2012
Bulgarian Tax Freedom Day 2012
20 April 2012 is the day when Bulgarians, figuratively speaking, stop working for the government and start working for themselves. This day is called Tax Freedom Day. In 2012 Bulgarians will need to work nearly four months only to pay their taxes and fees to the Government, thus reaching the budget’s revenue target for the […]