editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Czech Republic

Euroscepticism on the Rise But to Varying Degrees
Euroscepticism on the Rise But to Varying Degrees
Republikon Institute used data available from Eurobarometer to construct three categories among voting-age population in Europe: eurosceptics, who are dissatisfied with Europe; “soft eurooptimists”, who, in general, are comfortable with the depth of European integration, and “federalists”, who would give more power to Brussels. The Institute then looked at the ratio of these categories in different countries – with a special focus on Central Eastern Europe.
Tax Freedom Day 2012 in the Czech Republic 6 Days Earlier Than in 2011
Tax Freedom Day 2012 in the Czech Republic 6 Days Earlier Than in 2011
Tax Freedom Day that is calculated and promoted by Liberalni Institut every year in the Czech Republic, was celebrated on Saturday, 9th June 2012. This result indicates six-day improvement compared to the last year, i.e. the Czech taxpayers must work 160 days to cover expenditures of the general government. In 2011, the obligation was 165 […]