editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Why Gaming Matters
Why Gaming Matters
Humankind is inherently attracted to games. As play is an important aspect of childhood, which adult did not look back yearning for those years? What needs emphasizing is that games, just like humankind, have evolved.
Is Poland Really Developed?
Is Poland Really Developed?
Transition of a country from the category of developing countries to developed one is a process that takes years. The change of category is a byproduct of institutional changes and accompanying increase in the level of living. Poland has been implementing reforms moving us toward market economy and democratic society since 1989. As a result […]
Sharing Economy in Poland Is Yet to Come
Sharing Economy in Poland Is Yet to Come
The tax and social security system operating in Poland, based on the traditional employer-employee relationship, does not fit into the world of online platforms combining the service providers of the sharing economy directly with their clients.
Integrated Education for Socially Aware Youth
Integrated Education for Socially Aware Youth
The development of an in-depth understanding of the European values as well as individual responsibility among young people rests upon raising their social awareness and the advancement of critical thinking on social phenomena. A proper account for social reality requires an integration of economic, political, and moral perspectives.
Regional Differences in Bulgaria and the EU Countries
Regional Differences in Bulgaria and the EU Countries
Bulgaria is by far not the only country where regional differences are not only significant, but are also becoming greater. There are basically no countries which manage to simultaneously increase the wealth in their poorest and richest regions, while at the same time achieving a meaningful internal convergence.