editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


The Dangers of Communism Today
The Dangers of Communism Today
In 2017, the looming threat of communism has not vanished completely. According to a poll conducted by the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, 44% of American youth would prefer living under socialism, 7% under communism, and only 42% chose capitalism.
The Reform of VAT Rates: A Way Forward
The Reform of VAT Rates: A Way Forward
Possibility to set statutory VAT rate below 15% for a wider set of different goods and services may lead to lower effective VAT rates in various Member States. Therefore, countries, which have fewer exemptions and/or reduced rates, may maintain the same principles of taxation but lower their standard VAT rate.
Bad Business for Everybody (Except for the Lobbyists)
Bad Business for Everybody (Except for the Lobbyists)
European politicians try to sell their ambitious climate goals and the proposed regulations to their citizens as a nice fairy tale: Policy driven investments in green technologies that cut emissions will not only save the world but also boost the economy, create jobs and strengthen Europe’s competitiveness.
Backroom Politics Does Not Work Anymore
Backroom Politics Does Not Work Anymore
At the beginning the TTIP was received positively almost everywhere, but now many issues have stirred up the negative attitudes that result in attempts to make the TTIP seem unaccountable and undemocratic. Recently, the question \"Is the European Commission doing its best to keep the greatest possible transparency?\" has been gaining ground.
Better Times
Better Times
Brussels occasionally gets sober from the intoxication of spectacular goals and strategies, paid by citizens. But sobering means that the goal is slightly less grandiose but in the end, likely purposeless and economically harmless.