editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Greek Snap Elections – Stability Instead of Progress
Greek Snap Elections – Stability Instead of Progress
The Greeks have voted and widely approved the course of Alexis Tsipras and his SYRIZA-party (35,5%, -0,8). It is noteworthy that the decision for the left-wing alliance reveals that the Greek voters predominantly want to stick to traditional values and their societal structures, rather than giving a chance to reform-orientated powers.
Parliamentary Elections: There is No Alternative for Greece
Parliamentary Elections: There is No Alternative for Greece
The new left-wing SYRIZA government, which sees public expenditure as a means to counterbalance the lack of competitiveness, is all but a solution to the Greek problem. If anything, the pro-European and cosmopolitan young Greek generation – which is fed up with the “Greek way” of policy-making of the past – can make a difference.
Don’t Bite the Hand That Feeds You! – Fiat Euro! 25/2012
Don’t Bite the Hand That Feeds You! – Fiat Euro! 25/2012
We’ve been walled up. Greece has government but money is still missing. Which German team will win the European Championship? FED playing games, another package is postponed. How many Olympic medals will the EU-funded United Nations of Europe get? Let’s start from the end, namely from what happened last week. Eurozone is on fire and […]