editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

public policy

Parable of Broken Window as Public Policy Principle
Parable of Broken Window as Public Policy Principle
Imagine the owner of a candy store, whose window is broken by boys playing football. People run around the scene of the accident, pitty the owner and blame and rebuke the naughty. Nevertheless, there are some people among the crowd who say that a broken window also has its bright economic side. A broken window means work for the window maker. For the money he earns he can now buy bread, for example. That\'s how the baker has a job.
Call for Papers: <i>The Visio Journal</i> Vol. 4
Think Tank News
Call for Papers: The Visio Journal Vol. 4
Support for the authoritarianism among both political elites and the public across Europe is spreading and growing. The next issue of The Visio Journal shall explore the question of whether liberalism is able to stand its ground against the backdrop of increasingly present authoritarianism in Europe.