editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


Real Problem with Minimum Wage
Real Problem with Minimum Wage
The real problem of the minimum wage concerns a very different group of people. Yet you will not see these people in newspapers or TV and they are not part of government negotiations at all. They are the unemployed people. Hence, what economists argue as some “redistribution problems” between employers and employees is not at the core of issues with minimum wage.
Is the Start-Up Strategy of the Slovak Government a Bad Joke?
Is the Start-Up Strategy of the Slovak Government a Bad Joke?
Is there a difference between a starting entrepreneur and a disabled person? Yes, there is, and it\'s a big one. A disabled person has much fewer options if he or she wants to get a government aid compared to a starting entrepreneur. I remembered this joke when I was reading one of the government strategies. But the joke may soon become a reality if the government decides to implement it. And that\'s not funny at all.
Join the Seminar: Gold Plating – National Issues vs European Legislation
Think Tank News
Join the Seminar: Gold Plating – National Issues vs European Legislation
Gold-plating is a term that describes the process where an EU directive is given additional powers when being transposed into the national laws of member states - a quite common approach in any EU state. The seminar will reflect upon this issue and give an overview of positive approaches on how successful EU countries deal with the problem and what kind of procedures they have implemented. Join F.A.Hayek Foundation on May 6, 2015 in Bratislava!
Slovak Start-Up Mania
Slovak Start-Up Mania
In the last few years, the compound word “start-up” has established itself in the Slovak language and is successfully edging out the original term – “a beginning entrepreneur”. A start-up, a start-uper, the start-up scene, a start-up strategy, a start-up investment – the media are packed to the rafters with such collocations. This is not […]
Meal Vouchers Reduce Employee’s Salary
Meal Vouchers Reduce Employee’s Salary
Slovak Labour Code that requires separation of the meal contribution for an employee from the salary of the employee created an artificial meal voucher market and ensured the voucher companies millions in revenue and generous profit margins, which are, at the end of the day, paid by the majority of workers, employers and restaurateurs in Slovakia.
Bad Prospects of Private Pensions
Bad Prospects of Private Pensions
The proponents of the limited access to savings caught savers into a trap. Take it or leave it. Fortunately, also thanks to INESS, which also commented on the law in Parliament, there is a sort of exit option for savers, who don’t like the offered annuities but need some money from their savings. They can keep their savings account and withdraw at least annual yield.
INESS' Position on Quantitative Easing in Eurozone
INESS' Position on Quantitative Easing in Eurozone
Competitiveness of Europe is lagging, pension systems keep ignoring the demographic trend, relative price of energy for industrial consumers is growing, there are popular jokes about labor markets in France or Italy, starting a business and tax compliance is still extremely demanding tasks in many of the member countries.
Why Get Rid of Investment Stimuli?
Why Get Rid of Investment Stimuli?
The investment incentives (part of state aid) are like a looser relative at a family meeting. Nobody is too excited to see him, but everybody is accepting that he has to be there. Every single economist will confirm that the incentive represents market disorder.