editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

INESS in collaboration with the American Language of Liberty Institute (LLI) and Czech branch of Students for Liberty (SFL CZ) organized the eighth consecutive international educational event, the 2014 Liberty Camp. During October 1 – 5 in Southern Moravia’s city Břeclav students from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Serbia, Albania, and USA discussed the topics of economics, philosophy, law, and entrepreneurship. As every year, lectures were held by foreign experts. A sort of novelty was brought by two Liberty Seminars in Bratislava (Slovakia) and Brno (Czech Republic) that completely fulfilled their purpose – to be closer to the students interested in these topics – and attracted also those already employed.

The Camp was opened by Glenn Cripe (LLI) who introduced the importance of liberty in human life. The second day continued with the lecture delivered by Robin Koerner from Great Britain about the history of classical liberal thinking. Then the Camp was moved to Bratislava to Hackerspace Progressbar. Juraj Karpiš (INESS) started Liberty Seminar with contemporary role of central banks and after him Andy Eyschen (LLI) presented his seven principles of free life in unfree world in a very impressive lecture. Seminar was closed by the lecture of Pavol Lupták (Nethemba) on government spying on its own citizens.

The seminar attracted a wide audience of more than 50 attendees. Friday´s Liberty Seminar in Brno was (given the success from the previous day) opened by Andy Eyschen with the same lecture. Robin Koerner continued with psychological and cultural factors affecting the success in political discussions. In the end, Jan Škapa (SFL CZ) focused on Bitcoin. The evening workshop was linked to modern technologies in economy and more efficient use of resources. The main issue discussed was UBER taxi and the question who benefits from this service on one hand, and who loses on the other hand. Saturday´s program was introduced by the lecture of Andy Eyschen – What are civil society institutions and how do they increase freedom. Then, Radovan Ďurana (INESS) explained crucial differences between Austrian Economics and Keynesian Economics through Business cycle theory and inflation. In the afternoon, students visited wine fest in Valtice near Břeclav. Very interesting discussion took place in the evening – Sanctions towards Russia: yes or no? In this, argumentation skills of the students were reinforced. During the last day of the lectures, Robin Koerner provided smart explanation of modern monetary system and Glenn Cripe gave several advices how to spread liberal ideas more efficiently.

Another successful year of the Liberty Camp was organized thanks to kind support of Friedrich Naumann Stiftung and International Republican Institute, which financially supported the event and allowed us to prepare this event for students

