editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation
Think Tank News

Toward a Bright European Future: Join Us for Online Launch of 4liberty.eu Review No. 16

Toward a Bright European Future: Join Us for Online Launch of <i>4liberty.eu Review</i> No. 16

Join us on Facebook for a live stream of the online launch of the latest issue of “4liberty.eu Review” No. 16, devoted to the topic of “Toward a Bright European Future” to be held on April 27 (Wednesday) at 13:00-13:45 CET. Let us embark on a swift online debate on the future of the European Union, member states, European citizens, and the region.



Olga Łabendowicz – Editor-in-Chief of 4liberty.eu Review


  • Eszter Nova – Political Analyst and a lecturer at the Cevro Institute in Prague, the Czech Republic,
  • Tomasz Kamiński – Professor at the Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Łódź, Poland,
  • Tanja Porčnik – President of the Visio Institute in Slovenia,

Moderated by Miłosz Hodun – Content Editor of 4liberty.eu Review No. 16. President of the Projekt: Polska Foundation. Vice-President of the European Liberal Forum, a think tank of the ALDE Party.