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4liberty.eu N E W S L E T T E R [APRIL 2020]

4liberty.eu N E W S L E T T E R [APRIL 2020]

The April issue of the 4liberty.eu Newsletter provides an overview of the articles published on the 4liberty.eu website, serving as a starting point for further exploration.

Taxing Taxes: Labor and Capital in CEE: 4liberty.eu Review No. 12 Now Available Online
We are pleased to present the twelfth issue of 4liberty.eu Review, titled “Taxing Taxation: Labor and Capital in CEE”. This time our primary focus is the taxation of labor and capital – from the cases of Poland and the Czech Republic, to Ukraine, Bulgaria, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. We do, however, tackle also related phenomena – by showcasing, for example, the Slovakian take on carbon taxes..
Petra Patkos (Republikon Institute):
The indicators include economic freedom (for example, access to foreign newspapers) and personal freedom (for example, consisting of political control exerted over the media). According to the latest data, the first few areas that received the best results are North America, Western Europe, Oceania, and Eastern Europe.
Maria Slominska-Fabis (Projekt: Polska):
The conservative Law and Justice (PiS) government has conducted a calculated attack on the rule of law in Poland since it came into power in 2015, securing an overall majority in the Sejm, the lower house of the Parliament.
Blazej Lenkowski (Liberte!):
If the ongoing lockdown – unprecedented on this scale in the modern history – is to continue for another three months or longer, we will bear witness to an economic and humanitarian catastrophe. What might follow is a massive and unpredictable social rebellion.
Radovan Durana (INESS):
The contest for who is more generous is on. Slovak large-scale employers want the highest possible wage compensation, looking up to the German or Austrian Kurzarbeit system, which covers up to 85% of wage costs. Journalists and some economists argue that we should borrow as much as we can. They claim that it is to save the economy, especially in terms of employment.
Justus Lenz (FNF):
The coronavirus is the current number one issue for policymakers, who have to deal with the unprecedented stress on health care systems, as well as the economic effects of travel restrictions and shutdowns. Although even medical experts struggle to understand the precise nature of the new coronavirus, it appears clear that it has the ability to spread fast, creating an exponential growth rate.