editorial partner: Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation


France Must Drop Its Opposition to Mercosur Trade Deal
France Must Drop Its Opposition to Mercosur Trade Deal
While the EU-MERCOSUR agreement is nearing its final stages, some remain opposed, risking a deadlock in the EU’s approval process. The EU must ensure smooth ratification to strengthen its strategic autonomy in these uncertain times. After 25 years of complex negotiations, the European Union and MERCOSUR have finally reached a landmark trade agreement.
Should Czech National Bank Buy Bitcoin Reserves?
Should Czech National Bank Buy Bitcoin Reserves?
Governor of the Czech National Bank (CNB) Aleš Michl recently commented that the Czech National Bank might consider including Bitcoin in its reserves. Is this really a good idea? Should the CNB invest in this digital asset? The CNB\'s main and most important function is to ensure price and financial stability, as required by its constitutional mandate. Unfortunately, however, it has failed to fulfill this mandate in recent years.
Widow’s Pension – Expensive and Politically Motivated Patch Instead of Systemic Reform
Widow’s Pension – Expensive and Politically Motivated Patch Instead of Systemic Reform
On August 9, Andrzej Duda signed the bill introducing the widow\'s pension. The widow\'s pension is intended to be a new way of combining a retirement pension and a survivor\'s pension. Previously, a widowed retiree could receive their own pension or 85% of their deceased spouse’s pension (the survivor\'s pension). The widow\'s pension allows beneficiaries to receive their own pension or survivor\'s pension along with an additional 15% of the other benefit.
Two Decades of Poland’s Membership in European Union – Benefit for Everyone!
Two Decades of Poland’s Membership in European Union – Benefit for Everyone!
Poland will mark twenty years as a member of the European Union in 2024. In recent years, eurosceptic sentiments undermining the benefits of European integration have gained ground in Poland and Europe. However, the facts contradict these claims: membership in the European Union benefits member states. This is also true for Poland, which will continue to benefit from remaining in the Community, even if it eventually becomes a net contributor.
1989 – Beginning of 35 Years of Liberal Transformation
1989 – Beginning of 35 Years of Liberal Transformation
On June 4 and 18, 1989, partially free elections for the Sejm and fully free elections for the reconstituted Senate were held in Poland. As a result of these elections, a democratic political system was established, and decisive economic reforms were initiated between 1989 and 1990, which included stabilization and free-market changes. Poland was the first socialist country to begin departing from the system imposed by force, which was flawed.
Hungary’s Manufacturing Dependency: Economic Vitality or Achilles Heel?
Hungary’s Manufacturing Dependency: Economic Vitality or Achilles Heel?
Recent economic shocks and the European Union’s focus on competitiveness have directed the spotlight on the dangers of global value chains. With its unique politics of  ‘eastern opening’ and latecomer position to the globalized market economies, Hungary’s strategy in the geopolitical theatre raises many questions. In the following, I will use an interdisciplinary approach to explain the Hungarian manufacturing industries’ global value chain exposures.
Despite Challenges, Incomes in Estonia Are Rising
Despite Challenges, Incomes in Estonia Are Rising
The Estonian economy is showing green shoots of recovery again, and people\'s real purchasing power has risen since June of last year. These are the words of the Minister of Economic Affairs and IT Erkki Keldo . He also added that wages have also been outpacing inflation. Speaking to \"Esimene stuudio,\" Keldo noted that people\'s real purchasing power has been increasing since June of last year.
Origin of High Inflation Rate in The Czech Republic
Origin of High Inflation Rate in The Czech Republic
High inflation has long been the most serious macroeconomic challenge our country has faced in recent years. It was far from being only economists who identified deep price instability as a major problem, as the wider public viewed the extraordinary rise in most prices in the economy with equal reluctance.
Why Does Central Bank Need Models?
Why Does Central Bank Need Models?
Not long ago, there was a debate in professional circles about the predictive value of central bank forecasts. They have been desperately inaccurate in the last few years, a time of severe price instability. The question has therefore arisen as to whether the models underlying these forecasts are sufficiently robust and realistic.