editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Academy of Liberalism

ABOUT Academy of Liberalism
The Academy of Liberalism is an independent Liberal think tank founded by the Estonian Reform Party in 2006. The Academy of Liberalism has a board of 12 persons, including ministers, parliament members and entrepreneurs. The purpose of the Academy is to promote a Liberal world view to oppose the emergence of socialist ideas in society. The Academy of Liberalism is focused on civic education and research projects to promote Liberalism in Estonia and EU neighbourhood countries.
E-residency as a New Opportunity to Develop Entrepreneurship
E-residency as a New Opportunity to Develop Entrepreneurship
In the second half of the 1990s and the first years of this millennium, the secure information exchange system “X-TEE” developed in Estonia and an ID card enabling identification provided us with the possibility to offer Estonian undertakings e-services unique to the whole world: establishing companies online, submitting reports, tax returns and entry applications with legal meaning through online information systems.