editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Annett Witte

ABOUT Annett Witte
Deputy CEO of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom. Legal expert, long-standing personal advisor to the Vice President of the German Bundestag, Dr. Hermann Otto Solms. After a position as Head of Unit of the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Armed Forces, she has headed the Liberal Institute of the Foundation since October 2015
Germans Opt Out Of “Hartz IV”
Germans Opt Out Of “Hartz IV”
The study presents different models which take into account the consequences for the individual, the state budget, and the labor market. The suggested reform variants make it a significantly more attractive option for Hartz IV recipients to work more, by raising income retention by up to 40 percent.
What to Do About <i>Fake News</i>?
What to Do About Fake News?
People cannot always decide for themselves whether a message is false or distorted. No one is solely in possession of the final truth. However, getting the facts straight and actively pursuing \"counter speech\" is a task not only for the media but also for civil society and each individual user.