editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Balazs Odrobina

ABOUT Balazs Odrobina
Intern at Republikon Institute and a political science student at ELTE, in Budapest. His main areas of research are electoral systems, Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian politics and political psychology.
Relationship between Politics and Society in Hungary: Difficult Legacy of Kádár-Era
Relationship between Politics and Society in Hungary: Difficult Legacy of Kádár-Era
There is no doubt that the Kádár-era left a deep mark on Hungarian society, which is not surprising after more than 30 years of its existence. In this article, I will briefly discuss, through the concepts of political culture and political socialization, how and to what extent this period, which can be considered the basic experience of many Hungarian citizens, had a significant impact on Hungarian culture during and after the regime change, and still has today.