editorial partner Liberte! Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Dominik Stroukal

ABOUT Dominik Stroukal
Director of Liberální institut, the first Czech (and Slovak) classically liberal think-tank. A lecturer at the CEVRO Institute University, University of Finance and Administration and an economics teacher in two high schools. A former President of the Czech and Slovak Ludwig von Mises Institute. He holds a Ph.D. in Economic Theories and MA in Economic Analysis at the University of Economics, and MA in Media Studies at Charles University, both in Prague, Czech Republic. He co-authored his first book about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin: The Money of the Future (in Czech). He published papers about Czech labor markets where he works on the dynamics of unemployment.
A Small Burst of the Stock Bubble
A Small Burst of the Stock Bubble
Fear that people will not buy new flats because they will have higher interest rates. If the people do not invest more, the prices of these assets will stagnate or fall. Whoever buys in times of a loose monetary policy, wins. When screws begin to tighten, the winner is the one who sells first.